What a disappointment the Manorhaven mayoral election outcome was.
With all the registered voters in the village, only 998 voters came out to vote in this important election.
If the Manorhaven community really read all the campaign information that was out there, you would have clearly seen just how important this election really was. Mr. Avena, a candidate for mayor, had the knowledge and competence to run our village and was the best qualified candidate to fix the situation our village is in.
It is very unfortunate that many people didn’t see the need to take part in casting a vote.
Another issue this village seems to have is many people of Manorhaven believe Mr. Avena only wants to run so that Mr. Dejana can “take over” Manorhaven. For those of you who don’t remember, we do not live in a communist country, so no one is taking over anything.
Also, people clearly fail to see that everyone who runs has a support team and if Mr. Dejana, a successful business man, was a supporter of Mr. Avena, what would be so wrong? Mr. Dejana, who has a business in the village and pays a substantial amount of taxes, should have an interest in the Village of Manorhaven state of affairs.
I don’t see what makes Mr. Dejana any different than any other business man who has an interest in the Village of Manorhaven. I personally don’t care who supports anyone, if the person running is competent and has what it takes to be a good mayor or trustee, then it is your right and responsibility as a resident of the Village of Manorhaven to come out to vote because every vote really does count—hopefully in the next election that could be done.
Thanks Mr. Avena for all your hard work, determination and dedication to the Village of Manorhaven— hope to see you on the next ballot.
Keep On Foiling!
—Donna Deriu