Regarding Chuck Idol’s Op-Ed piece (The Truth About the Poison in PSEG’s Poles, Port News, July 16-22) I would like to add that here in the Town of North Hempstead, we are also very concerned with the use and lack of warning signs on utility poles treated with Pentachlorophenol (penta).
Recently I put forth legislation before the Town Board to require utilities to remove decommissioned and damaged poles, also known as “double poles,” within 60 days of the installation of a new pole, or face a fine up to $500.
Due to my great concern about the health hazards of penta, I also proposed an amendment to this legislation that would require the utility company to place a penta warning sign on any newly installed pole.
This warning sign, similar to what landscapers are required to do when applying harmful pesticides, would warn against touching the pole and would also advise immediate hand washing should anyone come in contact with the pole.
This law will come before the Board for a vote on Aug. 12.
—Judi Bosworth, Supervisor, Town of North Hempstead.