
Jericho Supports Israeli Soldiers


IsraelAThe Schechter School of Long Island in Jericho received more than $6,000 worth of online donations from the efforts of members of the Schechter community who were in Israel this summer, led by Schechter parents and Chesed Committee member, Vivi Nassim, to support the school’s efforts on the ground in Israel.

“Our donations have benefited by soldiers and civilian children being directly impacted by this horrible war,” said Dr. Cindy Dolgin, head of school.

Approximately $4,000 of the $6,000 in collected funds has been utilized so far and every penny has gone directly to purchase needed supplies. Schechter’s work will continue on for as long as is needed. Donations for SSLI’s special Israel Emergency Campaign are still being accepted.

“Packages of needed goods and treats were given in addition to external phone chargers, and camel back water containers, items of great need during these times,” said Maya Liss, coordinator of the Lone Soldier’s Program, in an email to Schechter.

“These donations not only assist our soldiers, but perhaps more importantly, allow them feel and know that they are being supported by Jews around the world.”

If you have the name of a Schechter alum or family member who is currently serving in the IDF, please contact Dolgin with their name and contact information.