
Roslyn Kids Work With Peers


CCFRY 2014  gradOn August 1, in the Hector Gayle Community Center’s auditorium, a dedicated group was honored with EAC Network’s Long Island Dispute Resolution Centers (LIDRC) Peer Mediation Award Ceremony. While other youth were engaged in recreational activities this summer, these dedicated young adults participated in sixteen hours of peer mediation training that taught them a process of communication and problem solving, which will enable them to help their peers reach settlements to disputes without confrontation and violence.

The ceremony began with opening remarks from the Executive Director Ms. Janice Miles. Students received their Peer Mediation awards from Mr. Gregg Scheiner, trainer for the LIDRC.  In addition, on behalf of the Town of North Hempstead, Town Councilman Mr. Peter Zuckerman presented the students with a proclamation. The event concluded with an official Swearing In by the Mr. Wayne Wink, Jr., Town of North Hempstead Town Clerk.

For further information about peer mediation and conflict resolution workshops, please call Gregg Scheiner at the Long Island Dispute Resolution Centers at: 516-489-7733 x160 or visit www.eac-network.org/lidrc.