
Rebecca Alexander At Temple Judea

The Sisterhood of Temple Judea announces Rebecca Alexander, author of Not Fade Away, will be their guest speaker on Tuesday, October 21 at 7:30 p.m.TempleRebecca101014AMiss Alexander, a psychotherapist, spin instructor, extreme athlete and volunteer, who is almost completely blind and deaf, will be speaking about her inspiring and moving memoir. Her memoir focuses on how she overcame adversity and is living life to the fullest.

This program is being co-sponsored by the Sid Jacobson JCC Edward and Bernice Wenger Center for the Arts and the Jewish Book Council. The fee is $10 per person and registration is necessary. Please make checks payable to WRJ Sisterhood and send to Temple Judea of Manhasset at 333 Searingtown Road, Manhasset, NY 11030. For more information about this program and the Sisterhood of Temple Judea of Manhasset, please call (516) 621-8049 or templeoffice@temple-judea.com. For more information about Temple Judea and its programs and membership incentives, contact Maxine at 621-8049 or maxexec@temple-judea.com. Temple Judea of Manhasset is located at 333 Searingtown Road, Manhasset, NY north of exit 36 of the LIE. Visit us at www.temple-judea.com.