In January 2013, two year old Kylie Rose Restaino of Massapequa Park was diagnosed with potentially life-threatening food allergies to tree nuts. Kylie’s mother, Christine, couldn’t help but be fearful for her daughter’s safety.
“I live in constant fear that she will eat the wrong thing and I won’t be able to save her,” said Restaino. “I feel as if I am grieving for something; for the loss of the naïve, carefree feeling that Kylie should experience growing up,” continued Restaino of her child’s life that is now consumed by yearly allergy testing and constant possession of her Epi-pens.
Restaino has taught her daughter not to grab food off the table like other kids, but must first ask her mother if it is safe. Restaino brings her own desserts to parties that Kylie attends as she can’t eat anything from a regular bakery. There are, however, four nut free bakeries on Long Island and Restaino is grateful for them.
“I have spent the last almost two years calling companies to find out details on how they manufacture their products, to make sure if it is safe for Kylie,” she said. “We have to read every label on every food that we buy, every time we buy it, since manufacturing procedures are constantly changing.”
Kylie attends a nut-free nursery school and a letter is sent home every so often to other parents as a reminder for them to be careful about what snacks they send their kids to school with.
“It is such a scary thing to know that one bite of the wrong food could cost your child her life,” said Restaino. “As a mother, I know I have to do something to make a difference.”
Restaino’s first step in making that difference will be on Saturday, Oct. 25, where Restaino, her husband, Mike, and daughter Kylie, will be walking in the 10th annual FARE Walk for Food Allergy at Eisenhower Park in East Meadow. The walk begins at noon and serves to raise awareness and funds to ‘Help Say FAREwell to Food Allergies.’
Team Kylie Rose’s goal is to have at least 20 family and friends walking with them in the event and to raise at least $300. To donate to Team Kylie Rose, visit No amount is too small.
For more information on FARE, call 1-800-929-4040 or visit for information on food allergies.