
Mayor’s Report: October 30, 2014

Autumn Splendor

In this delightful time of year with the leaves on the trees changing colors and the holidays coming, we invite you to visit the autumn display on the village green located at Hilton and Stewart Avenues. We thank our village recreation/parks department for this splendid decoration.

Automatic Water Sprinklers

As a reminder, Oct. 31 and Nov. 1 result in two consecutive odd days. All residents with automatic sprinklers should remember to reset their clocks at this time to comply with the village lawn watering regulations. Lawn watering is permitted between the hours of 5 to 10 a.m. and 6 to 10 p.m.

Police Department News

Each week in this column I will be including information from Commissioner Jackson of our police department. This week he has asked that I include the following.

Telephone Scams

Please be wary of phone scams. The police department has received numerous reports recently of residents receiving phone calls stating a family member has been arrested in a foreign country, often the Dominican Republic, and money or cash cards must be sent to a judge or a court to satisfy the charge. Recently, residents have been receiving scam phone calls from persons stating that they are IRS Agents. The resident is advised by the caller that they owe back taxes and if they don’t pay them immediately, they will be arrested.

If you do receive a phone call of this nature, please do not cooperate with the caller and advise the Garden City Police Department of the call at 516-465-4100.

Texting While Driving

According to AAA statistics, texting while driving has even surpassed drinking as the number one perceived threat to personal safety. Please educate yourselves and your teen drivers that texting while driving can kill. Ask your teen drivers, is a text more important than a life.

Please Continue To Shop And Dine In Garden City

The residents of Garden City are very fortunate to have viable retail businesses on Seventh Street, Franklin Avenue and New Hyde Park Road where there is a good variety of quality merchandise and family dining experiences available to be enjoyed. Please support these businesses and enjoy the products, variety and outstanding customer service. Keep in mind that these merchants save you from traveling outside the village for your needs. Consider the harsh reality if we did not have these businesses here to service our needs. I look forward to seeing everyone in town.

Board Of Trustees Meeting Schedule

The next regularly scheduled Board of Trustees’ meetings for the month of November are Nov. 6 and Nov. 20 at 8 p.m. I encourage all residents to attend board of trustees meetings so as to be thoroughly informed of village issues from a first-hand perspective.