Kelly Dall, a Long Island-based interior designer and participant in the Ronald McDonald House of Long Island’s (RMH-LI) $5.1 million Project Design initiative, is just one of the 45 prestigious designers of the nonprofit organization’s recently completed renovation. Her participation, however, is particularly unique, as her family is a former resident family of RMH-LI in New Hyde Park, a home away from home for families of seriously ill children.
During RMH-LI’s designer recruitment phase, Dall stood out not only because of her interior design talents and abilities, but her personal history with the house and understanding of its mission. In 2007, the Dall family faced one of the most difficult times in their lives when their third child, Elle, was born with a diaphragmatic hernia. This diagnosis has a 15 percent survival rate.
Last year, the Dalls once again faced a life-or-death situation when their 14-year-old son suffered from osteomyelitis (an infection in the bone), an abscess in his acetabulum and a septic joint. Having RMH-LI by their side made life a little bit easier while they were caring for Elle and Sean at the hospital next door.
“The house is an extremely special place to us,” Dall says. “When our kids were sick, the thought of not being with them every possible moment was frightening. We were away from home for weeks but RMH-LI made it possible to stay close while being able to take a shower or lay down for a quick nap.”
Dall describes her work in the project as good karma and her relationship with the house as coming full circle. “When I heard about this project, I immediately knew I was going to be a part of it,” she said. “The house provides unbelievable comfort to families during a very emotional time, and I am honored to be able to provide a calm, restful healing environment for families experiencing the pain of having a child in area hospitals.”
Last summer, Phase I of Project Design transformed a portion of the house adjacent to the Cohen’s Children’s Medical Center. Phase II focused on the remaining 24 bedrooms, four kitchens, five common areas, laundry rooms and the creation of a brand new fitness center and meditation room.
Dall redesigned a resident bedroom, particularly the one her family stayed in. In September, she hosted a beach party fundraiser to raise funds and awareness for her room renovation, garnering $18,000.