
Our Town Is Coming

Jaclyn Stroud as the Stage Manager will narrate Our Town
Jaclyn Stroud as the Stage Manager will narrate Our Town

Theatergoers will have an opportunity to take a break from our 24/7 world and enjoy an evening exploring simpler times when the Wheatley Theater Company presents Thornton Wilder’s “Our Town” at The Wheatley School on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Nov. 20 to 22, at 7:30 p.m. The play stars Old Westbury’s Morgan Misk as Mrs. Webb and Rebecca Sonstein playing music.

Considered experimental in its time since it’s typically performed using minimal scenery and props, the 1938 Pulitzer Prize–winning play chronicles the life, marriage and death of the Webb and Gibbs families in a small New Hampshire hamlet. The ultimate message of this three-act drama is that life should be valued.

Alana Osroff and Morgan Misk are excited for the upcoming production of Our Town.
Alana Osroff and Morgan Misk are excited for the upcoming production of Our Town.

Wheatley English teacher and “Our Town” director Colin McKenna invites the community to “spend an evening in secluded Grover’s Corners for Wilder’s groundbreaking meditation on life and love—a stirring love story—a soaring affirmation of the beauty of life.”

The incredibly talented Wheatley students share how they’ve been impacted by the play, which takes viewers through a range of emotions as they, too, will be pondering the meaning of life.

Melanie Esquilin, who plays Mrs. Gibbs says: “Our Town shows us how complicated a simple life can be. In this timeless production, you will find characters you relate to and stories you’ve experienced, all in a much simpler time when the only things people did were grow up, marry and die.”

Acting as an extended family on stage has in turn bonded the Wheatley community.

“What makes Our Town so wonderful is the close knit feeling of community that it creates. The members of Wheatley Theater Company are like a family, and it is really interesting to portray this closeness on stage for audiences to enjoy,” said senior Juliana Luber, who plays Emily Webb.

Caroline Crimmins, Hallie ArbitalJacoby and Ariana Arralde mourn the death of Emily Webb during an Our Town rehearsal.
Caroline Crimmins, Hallie ArbitalJacoby and Ariana Arralde mourn the death of Emily Webb during an Our Town rehearsal.

Being part of this production has all involved contemplating some big questions. “What I find so great about this play is its message throughout. This play teaches us to appreciate life and each passing moment. The simplicity of the play as a whole makes this statement even more truthful,” acknowledges Daniel Singh, who plays Mr. Webb.

To reserve seats, visit wheatleytheater.weebly.com. Tickets cost $10—though senior citizen are admitted for free—and can also be purchased at the door. The Wheatley School Auditorium is located at 11 Bacon Road, Old Westbury, NY 11568.