Roslyn resident Keren Gilbert, MS, RD, recently released her book The HD Diet on Tuesday, Dec. 23. It will be on sale at Book Revue in Huntington, 313 New York Ave., Huntington, on Thursday, Jan. 15.
The HD Diet outlines a 12-week plan with a focus on hydrophilic foods that promote satiety, digestive health and long-lasting weight loss. Gilbert provides guidelines for incorporating hydrophilic or “water-loving” foods like oats, beans, artichokes, spinach and apples, along with nutrient-dense hydro-boosters like chia seeds into a well-balanced diet.
“The HD diet has worked for my clients and family. It’s a revolutionary way to look at food, nutrition and health. Plus, it’s not just about weight loss and a quick fix. It’s about changing the way you live and eat,” said Gilbert.
By eating hydrophilic foods and phasing out Gilbert’s “if” foods, such as white bread and refined sugar, you will stay satiated longer and enjoy a sustainable and more enjoyable lifestyle. The book also includes delicious recipes such as Quick Chia Oatmeal, Scallop Stir-Fry Shirataki and Zucchini “Fettuccine.”
The book features testimonials from Gilbert’s clients, daily checklists and menus, shopping lists and tasty recipes. Gilbert even offers a cure for a common condition she’s identified among many clients called “excusitis,” a condition in which a person makes excuses when justification for their actions obscures their path toward living decisively.
Gilbert is the founder of Decision Nutrition and has been counseling patients since 1998. She holds a master’s degree in nutrition and food studies from New York University and completed her dietetic residency at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City.
The HD Diet costs $25.99. To learn more, visit