
Editorial: Fences Don’t Make Good Neighbors

To say attendees at the recent Garden City Board of Trustees meeting were a bit miffed is like saying Pete Carroll’s decision to pass was a slight misstep. Ever since a six-foot, wrought iron gated fence was erected last June and locked out anyone not lucky enough to have been invited to pony up a few grand to be part of the Franklin Court Mews LLC, agitation over the situation has been escalating. Anecdotes about screaming matches in the street by residents living by the park have been surfacing. And as more people who’ve been disenfranchised are learning about the seemingly clandestine way in which all of this happened, action is being demanded as is accountability. While those not part of the Franklin Court Mews LLC are mad as hell and want their park back, the village board is proceeding in a most tentative fashion while the silence from the current property owners is deafening. Accusations are being hurled, feelings have been bruised and barring a change of heart, the only way that fence comes down and order is restored is if all concerned wind up going down the path to litigation. Stay tuned.

—Dave Gil de Rubio