
Manorhaven Food Drive


Manor_030415AWhen the John Michael Marino Lodge No. 1389 Order Sons of Italy in America heard the SOS from the Village of Manorhaven regarding the food drive for Our Lady of Fatima Church’s food pantry, it did not take long for the lodge to swing into action.

Lodge members were contacted and details of the food drive relayed. The outcome was an overwhelming response and members arrived at the lodge’s Feb. 18 general meeting at the senior center carrying shopping bags and boxes filled to the brim with non-perishable food items such as canned soups, vegetables, fruits, tuna, chicken, boxed meals, juice boxes, pasta, bottled tomato sauce, rice, cereal, beans, peanut butter, and crackers.

The lodge took the extra step by inquiring what item was most in need. When cooking oil was the resounding response, the lodge took advantage of a sale underway by a local merchant and purchased a large quantity of the much-needed cooking oil. All items were delivered to the Village of Manorhaven Town Hall the afternoon of Feb. 26.

On hand for the delivery were John Michael Marino Lodge members Joe Ciotoli, Barbara and Tom Faticone, Angela McGrade, Sharon Natale (deputy village clerk-treasurer), Marianne Bortone Prince, and Lisa Velotti.

A delighted Mayor Giovanna Giunta, Deputy Mayor Lucretia Steele and Clerk to Village Justice Nancy Greene welcomed the members and expressed their heartfelt thanks and that of Sister Kathy of Our Lady of Fatima Church.

The Food Drive for Our Lady of Fatima’s pantry will continue through the end of March. Food can also be donated throughout the year by depositing non-perishable items in baskets at the rear of the church at the weekend Masses, or by dropping donations at the outreach office next to the church.

The pantry donations assist approximately 78 Village of Manorhaven families enrolled in Our Lady of Fatima’s food pantry program.