
Scouts Help Restore Natural Barriers At Tobay Beach

Massapequa Boy Scouts Troop 660 and Cub Scouts Pack 696 joined together to help plant dune grass at Tobay Beach this weekend.  In spite of the 660 Dune Grass 20157snow, sleet, rain and freezing temperatures, the scouts made a tremendous effort to rebuild the natural barrier that the dune grass provides. 660 Dune Grass 20153

They worked for several hours and then enjoyed hot chocolate and delicious clam chowder with Town of Oyster Bay Supervisor John Venditto, Councilmen Joseph Muscarella and Anthony Macagnone, Town Clerk James Altadonna, and Receiver of Taxes James Stefanich.

The Dune Grass project helps to maintain the dunes which provide a natural barrier against storm surges and high winds during severe weather. Without dunes, waterfront property is at greater risk. Wildlife, such as shore birds, can lose critical habitat, and the coastline itself can be altered. The grass helps stabilize and enlarge the dunes by catching blowing and drafting sand.

A big thank you to the scouts from Massapequa’s Troop 660 and Pack 696!660 Dune Grass 20151