This year, Temple Sinai added yet another way to embrace Passover. In this case, the event is called “Passover with Pals.” The temple hosted a seder for special needs children. Although this was the first year, it was clear that a new tradition has begun. In the words of one of the parents, “Thank you for such an engaging and interactive seder for the Chazak children. It was a great evening and the kids were really involved. The food was delicious too!”
Last month, Chazak children gathered with students from the Madrichim program for a seder led by Jake Kraus, assistant director of Youth Engagement.
Temple Sinai used a Haggadah called The Gateways Haggadah. This Haggadah is specially designed for children with special needs. It offers step-by step directions that provide a meaningful Passover celebration.
To help the children relate to the customs of Passover, it was a seder focusing on the five senses. The children experienced the sights, sound, smells, tastes and touch of Passover. They saw the seder plate, smelled the bitter herbs, touched the matzah, tasted the charoset and heard and sung the songs of the seder.
Passover with Pals was an evening, filled with learning, fun and celebrating Passover together. Chazak is a program designed for children aged 6-14 with developmental differences. It is staffed by professional and caring people who are truly devoted to making a positive difference to the children and their families. The next program is Saturday, April 18 at 10 a.m. For more information, call 516-621-8016.
—Information courtesy of Temple Sinai of Roslyn