—By Mike and Maureen Duda
Any successful program is run by a team of experts. Joy Renner is the education expert and Mark Swenson is the financial expert. They are new voices to the Mineola Board of Education that will ask questions, are approachable and fiscally responsible.
The Mineola School District will benefit from a much needed breath of fresh air and new vision that will work to improve upon the many positive things that the current board has put in place, while making sure the decisionmakers are held accountable.
Public education is at a crossroads and Joy lives it everyday as a teacher. She is knowledgeable of the pros and cons in education and will be able to advocate for the students of Mineola. There are many educational decisions that need to be made by a board of education and I can’t think of a better person than someone who is in the trenches and understands children.
Maureen and I help run the MAA and know sacrificing your personal time will help lead to any organization’s success. We appreciate the work that all volunteers give for the better of the community and our children. We have been lucky enough to be friends with Joy Renner for the past six years, and have seen first hand the commitment she has to her three amazing boys, her children’s schools through fundraisers she has organized, to the MAA, to the Mineola Chiefs, and the list goes on.
Commitment, dedication and making sure the job gets done is exactly what Joy has shown she can do and will be ready to do, without hesitation, once she is elected. Joy knows that surrounding yourself with people that are hard-working, passionate, and who put their personal agendas aside will make for a great team, and she has certainly done so with the likes of Mark Swensen.