
Recreation Center News: June 26, 2015

Gazebo Concert Series

Garden City’s Department of Recreation and Parks is please to announce its Gazebo Concert Series on the village green (corner of Stewart and Hilton Avenues.) Here is the schedule:

July 9 Tommy Sullivan

July 16 Buddy Merriam and Backroads

July 23 Piece of the Rock

July 30 North Shore Pops

August 6 The Clusters

August 13 1910 Fruit Gum Company

All concerts are held on Thursdays beginning at 7:15 p.m. Bring chairs or blankets. Concerts are held rain or shine. In the event of less than perfect weather, the concert will be held at the Cultural and Performing Arts Center in St. Paul’s Cluett Hall at 295 Stewart Ave.

Summer Adult Tennis Lessons

The Garden City Recreation Department will conduct evening tennis lessons for adults who are residents of the Inc. Village of Garden City at the Community Park Tennis Facility. The lessons will run for one hour each week in three sessions during the spring/summer months. The registrant has a choice of a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday class and a choice of time. There will be a maximum of four players per court. The dates and fees will be as follows:

Session 1 – 4 weeks began June 1 Cost $120

Session 2 – 4 weeks beginning July 6  Cost $120

Session 3 – 4 weeks beginning Aug. 3 Cost $120

To register for any of these sessions, visit the office at 108 Rockaway Ave. or download an application at www.gardencityrecreation.org. Separate checks for each session and they will not be cashed until you are placed in a class.

Summer Camp Brochure

The recreation department’s summer camp brochure is ready to be viewed and registration has begun online and by mail. The department offers many camps for ages 4 to 15, including a variety of sport camps run by the recreation staff or US Sports Institute as well as cultural camps including Mad Science, Incrediflix, language, computer and Bricks4Kidz. To see these offerings, visit www.gardencityrecreation.org, or pick a brochure up in Cluett Hall, at Community Park or in the administrative office at 108 Rockaway Ave.

Camp Registration

The recreation and parks office is registering children now for camps open for children from ages 2 (Parent and Me) to ages 15 who are residents of the Village of Garden City.

Please note: When there is reference to grade, it is the grade the child is entering in September. When there is reference to age, the child must be that age by the start of the program.

Here is a list of some of the many camps we offer:

Through US Sports Institute:

Parent and me Sports for 2- and 3-year-olds;

Golf, lacrosse, soccer and MultiSport Squirts for 3- to 5-year-olds;

Soccer, multisport, field hockey, lacrosse and golf for 5 to 14-year-olds with full day programs in soccer and multisport;

To register for any US Sports Institute camps or to see their offerings, visit twww.ussportsinstitute.com.

Through the department of recreation and parks:

PeeWee Sports Sampler for ages 4 and 5

Basketball for grades 1 to 6

Baseball for grades 1 to 6

Lacrosse for grades 1 to 6

Volleyball for grades 7 to 10

Softball for grades 3 to 7

Nature Adventures for ages 6 to 12

Computers, including video game design and computer animation, for grades 4 to 7

Tennis for ages 4 to 15

Cultural and Science through Garden City Recreation and Parks:

Mad Science for grades K to 6

Bricks 4 Kidz Lego Camp for ages 5 to 10

Berlitz Language Camps in Italian, French, or Spanish for ages 7 to 11

Incrediflix Film Making Camp for ages 7 to 13

To register for any of these camps or to get more information, visit the recreation and parks office at 108 Rockaway Ave. or download the summer brochure at www.gardencityrecreation.org. If you have a password, you may register online at www.gcreconline.gardencityny.net.

If you do not have a password, please visit the office to verify residency and to obtain a password. Checks only for these camps.

—From the Garden City Recreation Department