Oyster Bay Town Clerk James Altadonna Jr. reminds residents that leaf blowers should only be operated during the hours which Town regulations permit. Under the Town’s noise ordinance, the operation of leaf blowers is restricted to between 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. on weekdays and between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekends and national holidays.
“Most of our residents do a fine job of properly maintaining their properties to keep our communities beautiful,” said Altadonna. “However, I also ask that leaf blower use be kept to the hours permitted by the town’s noise ordinance, as residents should not be disturbed early morning or later evening hours by the sound a leaf blower generates.”
Town Clerk Altadonna further stated that the regulations apply to both licensed landscapers and homeowners. To report violations, residents should contact their local police precinct or the Town’s Department of Public Safety at 677-5350. The Town Clerk added that the Town’s ordinance does not apply to incorporated villages.
“With everyone complying with regulations, we can maintain the beauty of our town, while allowing our residents to enjoy peace and quiet in their homes during early morning and late evening hours,” said Altadonna.