
Gold Coast Abstract Exhibit

GoldCoastAbstractExhibit_091615This fall, September 27th through November 23rd, the Gold Coast Arts Center will be premiering yet another outstanding presentation of contemporary art with its Abstract Architecture exhibit.

The opening reception takes place Sunday, September 27th 4:00PM-7:00PM. The Center will kick off this unique undertaking from some of the most talented artists and architects in the field for a near two month run.

Exhibits by Charles Cohen, Lisa DiClerico, Paula Elliott, Hiroshi Kagoshima, and Demetrius Manouselis blend art and architecture, exploring themes common to both.  Each artist in this exhibition is concerned with fundamental form, line, nature, and color, providing a visual pathway that implies elements of architectural imagery and abstract art.  These themes may overlap or influence one another, often developing in several directions concurrently using the mediums of drawing, painting and photography.

As an art form, architecture is essentially abstract and nonrepresentational and involves the manipulation of the relationships of spaces, volumes, planes, masses, and voids. With time also being an important factor in the contemporary art form, a building or specific structure is usually comprehended in a succession of experiences rather than all at once, and this can be seen in many forms in the artwork being displayed.

To view some of the incredible works by these five talented and influential artists, don’t miss your chance to visit the Abstract Architecture exhibit at the Gold Coast Arts Center at the Opening Reception on Sunday, September 27th 4:00PM-7:00PM or anytime through November 23rd.

For More Information on the GCAC, Call (516) 829-2570, or VISIT:

www.GoldCoastArts.org –Submitted by The Gold Coast Arts Center