
Presentation On Hempstead Harbor Sand Pits

The community is invited to attend a presentation on the biological communities, wetlands, water quality and ongoing environmental harms and risks to the Hempstead Harbor Nature Sanctuary (HHNS), also known as the Hempstead Harbor Sand Pits, given by David Jakim, leading expert on the biodiversity of the Port Washington Peninsula. The community presentation by Jakim will take place in the Hagedorn Room of the Port Washington Public Library on Feb. 2 at 7 p.m.

Hempstead Harbor Nature Sanctuary
Hempstead Harbor Nature Sanctuary

The 240-acre HHNS is Port Washington’s largest natural habitat area, contains Port Washington’s largest freshwater wetland and is a reservoir for the greatest diversity of flora, fauna and biological communities on the peninsula. In addition, the HHNS is sensitive to multiple ongoing environmental harms and risks including wetland destruction, deforestation, water pollution, human disturbance and development. For more information go to Sandpits012716Awww.hempsteadharbornaturesanctuary.com.
