Scott Zimmerman, the newly elected president of the Great Neck Chamber of Commerce, was the featured speaker at a recent weekly breakfast meeting of the Rotary Club of Great Neck. According to Rotary President Leonard N. Katz, Zimmerman did a terrific job outlining his plans and programs for the Chamber during the coming year.
After the presentation, members held a lively discussion with Zimmerman and received his impressions regarding the many vacant storefronts in town, as well as the changing character of the town in terms of its demographic.
Zimmerman’s vision for the future of the Great Neck business community included a message in the spirit of mutual cooperation when he said, “More gets accomplished working in numbers, and I believe everyone working together will help steer the community upward.”
The Rotary Club of Great Neck invites local residents and business-people to attend its breakfast meetings to learn how Rotary benefits the town and how they can participate in keeping Great Neck GREAT and a wonderful place to live, work and do business. The group meets Wednesday mornings at 8 a.m. in the boardroom of TD Bank at 2 Great Neck Rd.
On Feb. 17, Lewis Knople, CSA, current treasurer of the National Board of the American Association of Money Managers and retired executive vice president of Reuters, will discuss Daily Money Management. The presenting speaker for the Feb. 24 meeting will be Cindy Doeler from the Long Island Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (LICADD).
In alignment with the club motto, “They Profit Most Who Serves Best,” come and discover how meaningful and satisfying it is to give back to your commu-nity while networking through the Rotary Club of Great Neck.
To arrange a guest visit, or if you are interested in becoming one of the weekly speakers, call 516-487-9392 or email rotary clubofgreatneck@aol.com. For further information, visit www.rotaryclubofgreatneck.org.