The Village of East Hills is the most populated village in the Roslyn area and so competitive elections are more likely there than in other villages. On March 15, Clara Pomerantz and Manny Zuckerman, the two incumbent trustees up for re-election, held off a challenge by the ticket of Neil Foster and Jana Goldenberg to earn another four-year term on the board.
Pomerantz, as has been the case in the past, was the leading vote-getter, receiving 933 tallies. Zuckerman had 847 votes, while Foster had 494 votes and Goldenberg 431.
“I feel fantastic about winning,” Zuckerman told The Roslyn News. “I am happy they wanted us back to continue to do a good job for the village. This is a great community and we want to make it greater.”
“I am really excited and happy about winning,” Pomerantz added. “It was a difficult last couple of months. Now that the election is over, we can bring the community back together. We can all be friends.” Pomerantz said that her priorities would be to continue to her role in coordinating senior events that assist in bringing the senior population in the village together for friendship and any other special needs.
During the campaign, both trustees touted their experience in East Hills government. Zuckerman cited his work with emergency preparedness measures, including having a emergency generator designed and installed to power village hall in the case of hurricanes and other area emergencies.
Also on the preparedness front, Pomerantz listed her involvement with the Neighbors for Neighbors program, where volunteers help fellow residents in times of need during major storms and/or power shortages. Pomerantz will continue her current work as the supervising trustee over Environmental issues and programs, the Senior Activities Committee, the Kids in the Park Committee and the Park Rules Committee. As deputy mayor, Zuckerman oversees village capital spending budget, supervises and arranges for the purchase of vehicles including and heavy equipment, directs the disposition and sale of depleted village cars and equipment, handles all personnel issues for all village departments, meets regularly with residents to assist them with issues, suggestions and requests for new village action laws and represents the village at all Roslyn Rescue and Highlands Fire Department budget meetings.