

Roslyn_WebLogoPlease join us for an enchanting Spring concert at Trinity Episcopal Church, Roslyn on Sunday, April 24 at 4:00 pm, featuring the Trinity Choir with Pianist/Conductor Martha Regelmann, soloists Ariann Forella & Andrew Cordero, and Flutist Denise Healey.


The event begins with the lighting of many candles in the front of the church beneath the “Let There Be Light” Tiffany window. Visitors can light individual candles in remembrance of or in thanksgiving for loved ones, accompanied by lovely candlelight meditation music.


The beautiful Suite Antique: Prelude and Chanson by John Rutter follows, and the program finale is the deeply spiritual and moving Requiem by John Rutter.


Following the Concert, there will be an Art Exhibit and Reception showcasing the paintings of Helen Bingham (1928-2015). Explore the beautiful use of light in various works by Trinity’s beloved long-time parishioner, while enjoying fellowship and complimentary wine and cheese.


No admission charge. Free will offering.


Trinity Episcopal Church is located at 1579 Northern Blvd., Roslyn (just east of the Roslyn Viaduct). www.trinityroslyn.org  (516-621-7925)