
Ride With Area Cyclists

Military_cyclists_in_pace_lineSeveral area cyclists and cycling groups ride together before or after work on weekdays from April through November and invite interested riders to join the area’s longest-running weekday group.

“A bigger group is more fun and a better workout,” said organizer David “Speedy” Emanuel.

The cyclists meet weekdays between 6:30 and 7 a.m. or around 6 p.m. and park in the lot across from the Great Neck Diner at the corner of Bond Street and Grace Avenue, where parking is free before 9 a.m. and after 6 p.m. The group rides nonstop for around an hour and 20 minutes and covers about 15 miles. Riders start and finish at the same location, though routes and speeds vary depending on the group. Beginners are welcome. Helmets and road bikes are mandatory. If roads are wet or the temperature is below 40 degrees, the ride will be canceled.

“Come and meet others who are interested in your sport,” said Emanuel. “You may even pick up a pointer or two from one of the veteran cyclists.”

For a schedule or to confirm participation, call Emanuel at 516-840-9370 (days) or 516-487-8065 (evenings until 9:45 p.m.) or email speedyemanuel@optonline.net.