
Roslyn Landmark Society House Tour

Landmark_051616AThe Roslyn Landmark Society is hosting their 50th Annual House Tour on Saturday, June 4, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. This year’s tour will showcase a unique collection of historic homes and structures in the Village of Roslyn not usually open to the public.
Again this year, the Ellen Ward Clock Tower (ca. 1895) will be open. So, too, will be the exterior of the Roslyn Grist Mill. A docent will discuss the history of the structure as well as current restoration plans being done by the Roslyn Landmark Society. Additional activities will include live period music at the Paper Mill on Paper Mill Road and at the Van Nostrand Starkins House. The Roslyn Presbyterian Church will also be selling lunch and small treasures in the church’s Green Room.
Proceeds from the tour will allow the society to continue providing free lectures, tours and special events. Tickets are $35 in advance and $40 day of the tour, and may be purchased at Bryant Library at 2 Paper Mill Rd. or the Roslyn Landmark Society at 36 Main St. beginning May 23. Tickets purchased the day of will be available outside the Roslyn Grist Mill.

Due to the historic nature of these private homes, no children under 12, spiked heels, smoking or interior photography will be permitted.

Docents are needed to act as tour guides and present details about the homes. To become a docent or learn more information about ticket sales, contact rlsinfo@optonline.net or call 516-625-4363.