
Letter to the Editor: Parking District Docs Security

The back and forth conversations on the Parking District Facebook page show that the rollout of the paperless registration system has been a fiasco. It also seems that the staff has given out wrong information regarding the ability to create an account at the Vanderventer Avenue district office.Letter to the Editor Featured Image

As part of the new system, announced with such fanfare just a few months ago, we are told that our credentials—driver license, car registration and utility bill—need to be scanned into the parking district computer system. Considering the way this has been mishandled—consecutive missed deadlines, wrong information, topped off by higher fees—can we really be sure that the electronic images of our documents will be secure? How vulnerable is this system? Hackers and identity thieves thrive on information such as full names matched with addresses and driver licenses. Should we really put our confidence in this?

Sam Glasser