
Statement from Dr. Mooney About Senior Prank

There have been many rumors circulating through the community on a situation that occurred in the early morning hours last Wednesday, June 8. I’d like to take this opportunity to address the matter, as much of the information is not accurate. Last Wednesday, several students at Paul D. Schreiber Senior High School released chickens onto the school track. The Port Washington Police Department was called to assist with the situation. They gathered the chickens and brought them to an animal rescue organization in Suffolk County. No chickens were injured and there was no damage to school property.Port Washington News

In addition to this incident, graffiti was found on the rear of the high school. The Port Washington Police have investigated this matter and have arrested five students in conjunction with the graffiti. The district does not comment on student disciplinary matters, but please be assured that we do not tolerate this kind of behavior and expect more mature decisions in the future from those involved.