
Thanks For The Support

NewspaperInEducationImageAs we close down another academic school year, I wish to express my gratitude to the members of the New Hyde Park-Garden City Park community for their fiscal support of our budget with a 71 percent “yes” vote. Our budget was developed by our Board of Education who had the fiduciary responsibility to the taxpayers while balancing the need to provide a well-rounded, success driven academic programs and they delivered on that challenge. Our community’s support continues to deliver excellence in our student and staff’s outcomes.
Our district will be ongoing some major transitions in the upcoming year as many of our Baby Boomer administrators, teachers and clerical staff are retiring. We wish them a healthy and well deserved retirement. As we build our new team, we keep our eyes on the prize of preparing our students with the necessary academic, social and emotional skills that prepare them for their secondary education at the New Hyde Park Memorial School.
We wish you all a safe and fun-filled summer. See you in September.

Robert W. Katulak,
New Hyde Park-Garden City Park
Superintendent of Schools