Cub Scout Pack 590 from Massapequa recently took part in removing the flags from the veteran’s graves at the Long Island National Cemetery in Farmingdale. To honor our veteran’s service to our country, each year, American flags are placed on the veteran’s graves for Memorial Day.
The following week, those flags need to be carefully removed and packed away in storage bins for use the following year. Pack 590, along with many other cub scout packs and boy scout troops, took part and helped remove and package many flags last Saturday. “By actually seeing the graves and removing the flags, the boys are taught the importance of Memorial Day and are reminded of the great sacrifice that our veterans made to make America the great country that it is.
Also, by seeing the veteran’s names, the boys are reminded that our deceased veterans were real people who existed and lived lives just like them. It also teaches them that Memorial Day is more than just a day off from school,” said Cubmaster Bill Leisen, who along with Outing Chair, Rich Tirino, arranged for the event.
-Submitted by Ed Ferrity, Pack 590 Committee Chair