
My 2016 NYC Marathon Journey

Rosalia Butera


When I started running 15 years ago, I dreamed that one day I would run the New York City marathon. It was such a surprise after many attempts over the years to open up an email one winter morning to see that I finally made it. I was going to run the NYC marathon this year.

Butera (far right) with friends before a run. (Photos by Rosalia Butera)

While it has been a dream of mine for many years, the thought of actually doing it was very overwhelming, to say the least. I knew if I did it, I would give it my all and in order to do that I would need help. I did some Google searches and sent a quick email to the Massapequa Road Runners, a local running group. I asked for some advice and they were so friendly and encouraging and said I should come out to run with them. Any reservations I had quickly dissipated by the warmth and friendliness of this group. I didn’t feel intimated at all, even though some of the runners have accomplished more than 15 marathons all over the world. I felt at ease from the very beginning and they were so encouraging and supportive of me and I must add, a very funny group. I laughed so much that I barely noticed that I just ran 18 miles. Just kidding. A big shout out to Rosa from the Massapequa Road runners.She’s tough as nails but can make a runner out of anyone.

Running was a sport I took up 15 years ago when I turned 30. I was not athletic growing up, but I decided to start running when I was diagnosed with hearing loss. I was so devastated to know that at 30 years old, I was going deaf. I started running as a way to deal with my anxiety. Running was a way to reclaim my body. I needed a way to feel like my body didn’t completely fail me, and that was through running.

Running at first was very difficult, but I kept at it and started to see improvement. The joy I feel from running is incredible. Don’t get me wrong, it’s hnycmarathonrunner_101916card but it is a gift that I truly cherish and am grateful for.

I cannot wait to do this  marathon. I feel so prepared, thanks to the Massapequa Road Runners. I no longer feel overwhelmed about taking this journey because I’m ready. They have helped me so much both physically and mentally and I have made friends for life.
When I ask my kids if they are proud of me that I’m running a marathon, they will say in typical teenager fashion, “No one cares about your running, mom.”

I highly encourage other runners to join our group. It’s the best $20 I ever spent and even if you’re not training for a marathon, come run with us and see how much fun it is. NYC 2016, here I come.

The NYC Marathon is Nov. 6.