As hundreds of Hofstra University students hula-hooped and pranced the night away at Children’s Miracle Network’s (CMN) Dance Marathon, they also raised more than $17,000 for Cohen Children’s Medical Center in New Hyde Park.
The Northwell Health Foundation event, sponsored on campus by Hofstra’s student medical organization Phi Delta Epsilon and Danceworks Productions, saw participants raise funds and compete—over a 10-hour period on Nov. 11—in group dances, obstacle courses, hula hoop and volleyball contests.
The Children’s Miracle Network’s mission is to increase funds and awareness for children’s hospitals across the country. Cohen Children’s, the New York metropolitan area’s first pediatric hospital, is the local CMN hospital for New York City and Long Island.
“I couldn’t have been more proud to be part of something that was so successful and help build an event that will continue to fundraise for Cohen Children’s for years to come,” said Tom Fraher, a Hofstra student who helped organize the event.
Several current and former Cohen Children’s patients spoke to students at the event, including Olivia Macchio, a 10-year-old from Garden City who is in remission after battling Burkitt’s lymphoma.
“I am back to school, and back to all my sports and activities,” she said. “I am very thankful that the doctors had medicine to make me better. I am very thankful to everyone at Cohen Children’s for helping me along the way. I am very thankful to all of you to come out to the Hofstra Dance Marathon to support Cohen Children’s. You dancers are the best.”