
5 Questions To Ask Yourself For An Enjoyable Holiday Season


pretty girl 2039176 1280With another holiday season upon us, let’s take the opportunity to reflect on the kind of significance they hold for us. When we become intentional about what the true meaning of this time is, we can be more intentional about how we create our participation in the holidays.

Ask yourself these five questions and take the time to mindfully step into a more exciting and purposeful experience of the festivities.

How Do I Want To Feel?

Throughout the holidays, we so often get taken down by tiny ideas and details that hold little meaning. Think about how it is that you want to feel at this time in the season and focus your energy on that. When you shift your attention to your intention, you are better able to create a way to dwell in that feeling on a moment to moment basis. How would you love to feel during the holidays?

What Needs To Go?

We all subconsciously hold onto things that no longer serve us. Use this time as a cleansing to release those things you no longer choose to hold space for in your life. This could apply to physical items, relationships and even thoughts that you are ready to let go of. There’s such a sense of freedom that comes from shedding the old and welcoming fresh new ways of living. What can you choose to release?

How Can I Enjoy This Moment?

One of the biggest things that robs us of our joy during the holidays is wishing that we could change the past or thinking ahead into the future. We rarely take the time to enjoy the present moment. Take notice of all the times that you are doing one thing but your mind is completely somewhere else. Bring your attention back to the now. The present moment is all we have and once it’s gone it cannot be reclaimed. How can you step into the now?

How Can I Choose Peace?

The holidays often serve as a prompt to stir up serious emotion for us. Unfortunately this is a time when family quarrels and disagreements are at an all time high. Know that at any given moment peace is just a thought away. We can choose to blame others for our internal condition or we can take responsibility for changing our internal state and shifting our perceptions. It feels good to look at things from a viewpoint that is more empowering to us. How can you choose to dwell in a state of peace?

How Can I Be Generous?

We often get so hyper-focused on the laundry list of things that we forget one of the most crucial pieces of getting into the holiday spirit—giving. Take this time to step outside of your schedule, your obligations and your own stress and find a way to help another person. It feels good to give and there is no better way to expand yourself and those around you than finding a way to express your own generosity and putting some positive vibes out there in a world that needs it so badly. How can you express your generosity this holiday season?

Sending my warmest wishes for a safe, and meaningful holiday season for all.
Melody Pourmoradi is a women’s life and wellness coach at Life Evolutions Coaching. Check out www.lifeevolutionscoaching.com to learn more.