
5th Grader Helps Educate 4th Grader In China

Sarah Sun (far right) held a workshop for kids about finance and cash flow projects.

Last year while organizing her clothes, then-Lakeville fourth grader Sarah Sun had an idea to recycle her old things and use the proceeds to help children who are less fortunate. With assistance from her family, a website called Self-serve Mini Donation Station was created, where Sun posted items that she no longer needed. Others were able to reserve these items at no charge, in the hope that the people receiving the goods would donate money.

Sun’s goal was to raise $100, which would enable one child to go to school for a whole year through an organization called China Overseas Education Foundation.

Within the first year, Sun exceeded her goal, collecting more than $100. In November, she sponsored a fourth grader in Sichuan, China, so she could continue her education for another year, instead of dropping out due to her family’s economic situation.

“Because of this nonprofit project, I am satisfied that I achieved my 2017 goal and helped a student in Sichuan, China, continue her school education,” said Sun, now a fifth grader at Lakeville. “Also, when I first dreamed it up, I never knew I could do and help so much.”

Her original idea, Mini Donation Station, has since evolved into Mini Non Profit. Sun has framed the mission as, “Always do good to help people live a better life” and has updated her website.

“After Sarah’s story appeared in the Great Neck Record last year, we got great feedback and support from the community which, in turn, encouraged Sarah even more to grow her nonprofit project,” said her dad, Yubing Sun.

Given her initial success, the fifth grader has revised her plan for 2018 and set up three goals: To sponsor a child to continue his or her school education; help at least 50 homeless people; and contribute to at least one start-up through KIVA to help make someone’s dream come true.

“I am very proud that Sarah had this wonderful idea and then actually took action, made great progress and finally achieved the 2017 goal,” said her dad. “I thought the approach she took is creative and a bit unique. The most important thing is that she is helping others live a better life.”

Learn how to help at https://mininonprofit.weebly.com.