
TOH Supervisor-Elect Laura Gillen Announces January 1 Inauguration Ceremony

ElectionResults Laura A Gillen
Laura A Gillen

Laura A. Gillen, Town of Hempstead Supervisor-elect, will be sworn in as the next supervisor of the Town of Hempstead on Monday, Jan. 1, 2018. The Inauguration and investiture ceremony will begin promptly at 10 a.m. in the John Cranford Adams Playhouse at Hofstra University, and will include New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo, along with a formal procession of other distinguished guests and elected officials, including Congresswoman Kathleen Rice, North Hempstead Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth and Nassau County Executive-electlect Laura Curran, who will take turns swearing in Gillen before the public.

“We’re returning our government to the taxpayers,” said Gillen, “This will be a ceremony by and for the people, but not at the people’s expense.”

Taxpayer dollars and resources will not be used to pay for any part of the ceremony. The inauguration will, however, be able to properly accommodate as many members of the public wishing to attend.

“We’re going to break down the walls of silence and secrecy separating Town Hall from the taxpayers and begin ushering in a new era of openness and transparency in the Town of Hempstead on day one—January 1st, 2018,” said Gillen.

Laura Gillen will be the first Democrat to take control of the town in more than a century—the last time being 1905—when Robert Seabury was elected by the narrow margin of 5 votes.

Anyone wishing to attend is urged to RSVP at www.gillentransition.com/RSVP.