
Letter: Support The Comprehensive Contraceptive Coverage Act

I am writing to express support for the Comprehensive Contraceptive Coverage Act (CCCA). The CCCA is a bill that Planned Parenthood and other reproductive health and rights organizations have been trying to pass for almost three years. The bill would expand access to contraceptives in New York. The bill was passed by the New York State Assembly back in March, so now it has to go through the Senate.

I feel that passing this bill would help to strengthen communities and families.

I have seen women in my own community who are often faced with problems accessing affordable contraceptives, which often leads to unintended pregnancies. It’s important that we reduce unintended pregnancies because every parent should be a wanted parent. Parenting is a huge responsibility, and people should be given the tools they need to choose if and when they want to parent. The rate of unintended pregnancies has been steadily decreasing for years now as women gain better access to affordable contraceptives. Therefore, this bill would be a step in the right direction to help keep the rate from increasing.

District 7 senator, Elaine Phillips, was a co-sponsor of this bill last year. I urge Senator Phillips to co-sponsor this bill again and push her colleagues to vote in support of the CCCA.

—Loundy Victor