
Become 2018 Adopt-A-Pole Sponsor

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Diane Harragan holds an Adopt-A-Pole basket from Manhasset Florist Alex Otis.

A beautiful 19-year tradition of the Manhasset Chamber of Commerce continues to enhance Plandome Road thanks to the leadership of Diane Harragan of Coach Realtors. The Adopt-a-Pole program was originally started by the late Betsy Chesebrough to beautify Manhasset and Harragan continues Chesebrough’s vision for Manhasset annually.

Alex Otis of Manhasset Florist arranged for the planting of the baskets with hot pink flowers complementing the American flags to be installed by the American Legion Post 304 prior to the Memorial Day parade. The Town of North Hempstead has committed to watering the plants again this year.

The chamber features a fall theme of decorations with gigantic corn stalks held upright with big orange bows, a favorite of everyone, that are installed by Lil Lindergren of Olive Duntley Florist. December sees Lindergren decorating the poles with ropes of greenery with large red bows to welcome in the Christmas season.

All residents, organizations and merchants are cordially invited to participate in the 2018 Adopt-A-Pole program and to obtain registration details on the chamber website: www.manhassetny.org/chamber, or by sending a $100 payment per pole to MCC, P.O. Box 754, Manhasset. You may include the message for your plaque with the payment as well as your contact information. Some sponsors joined forces and shared the cost of one pole. Questions can be directed to Harragan at 516-627-0120.

This is a wonderful opportunity to honor or memorialize someone as well as add to the attractiveness of our town. Participants will be acknowledged in the Manhasset Press, on a tag on the pole and on the chamber website.

The chamber salutes the sponsors who have joined the vision so far this year and the opportunity is still available for many more sponsors to help beautify Plandome Road.