Dear Great Neck,
Thank you for the best 30 years of my life!
I am thankful for your beautiful streets. I love taking long walks and admire your beautiful trees, homes and landscaping. I’m thankful for your amazing public school system and the option for your private schools. I am thankful for your convenient multiple branches of library, your multiple police stations to keep us safe and, of course, the fire departments.
I am thankful for your charming and beautiful town. Although I miss Bruce’s, Camp & Campus, Jildor, TCBY, Middle Neck Pharmacy, etc., I’m so glad you now have Bareburger, Steven Dann, Red Boutiques, 16 Handles, Colony Pharmacy, Verizon, etc.
I didn’t like sushi so much when I was younger, but now my kids and I love it. All these new restaurants and options are amazing.
I appreciate you even more now that so many kosher supermarkets and restaurants are available. It’s awesome that you have Hmart, as well.
I am also thankful so many women and men take care of themselves, and you have so many nail salons to serve us all.
When I moved to this town, we only had three or four temples. Now, there are so many. At times, I wonder why. Then, I remember where I came from, and I am thankful for freedom of practicing my religion. I respect all of the people around me—and their choices for how and where to practice their beliefs.
Your community and people have been there for me in my most challenging days. I’m so thankful for the culture and giving hand of this community.
In the past few years, I promised myself that I would be more patient and drive more carefully. I pray for patience and awareness for all drivers.
I promise you, I will say hello, thank you and smile when I go to get gas, pick up my laundry, shop at the supermarket or pharmacy and do my other daily chores.
My dear Great Neck: During the past year, you have gotten so much attention with some elections. I’m thankful for so many smart minds and debates and diversity. I realize that it’s not us as a community but only very few that made it negative at times. I know we all care and are respectful to each other.
Lastly, I thank God for growing up in this town and raising my kids in this beautiful town of yours.
—Thankful Resident