
Adelphi Breast Cancer Program Discusses Returning To Work After Cancer

Adelphi NY Statewide Breast Cancer Hotline Support Program
Christine Brennan
Christine Brennan

Recognizing that people recovering from cancer face challenges when considering going back to work, the Adelphi NY Statewide Breast Cancer Hotline & Support Program is offering a free webinar “Returning to Work After Cancer,” on Wednesday, March 13 at 6 pm.

Christine Brennan, director of programs at Cancer and Careers, will share her expertise about the challenges of going to back work following cancer, focusing on reintegrating into the workforce, including disclosure, reasonable accommodations, communicating with coworkers, job-hunting and more. Participants will be sent the link to the webinar upon registering and will be able to submit questions to be answered at the end of the webinar.

Christine Brennan oversees the organization’s annual National and West Coast Conferences on Work and Cancer, manages CAC’s website, and delivers presentations to diverse audiences around the country. Recent presentations include regional and national conferences for Living Beyond Breast Cancer and the American Society for Healthcare Human Resources Administration.

To register call 516-877-4325 to register. Or email breastcancerhotline@adelphi.edu. Registrants will be sent the link to the webinar.

This program is supported by grants from The Junior Coalition of the Manhasset Women’s Coalition and Sientra Full Circle.