This year, Commissioner Dave Franklin is up for re-election. Dave is well received by many in Port Washington community, including this writer. His commitment and services to the residents are truly noted.
Frank Scobbo is a candidate for Commissioner for the Port Washington Police District as well, and like his late dad, has also served most his lifetime to the People of Port Washington. Voting Takes place this Tuesday, Dec. 10, at the Polish American Hall, 5 Pulaski Pl. between noon to 9 p.m.
Residents Forward is conducting a 2020 donation drive, titled, “5.6 Square Miles We Call Home.” This is wonderful initiative, would encourage all that can participate, please do. This message rings clear how small our area is, and how we need to look out for same. Sands Point has their own police force, and Manorhaven is patrolled by Nassau County Police, the balance of Cow Bay peninsula is protected by the Port Police, which we are truly grateful towards. PWPD are their own taxing authority, last of its kind in New York State. The levy to each homeowner compounded by the Nassau County Police Headquarters garnishment is quite extensive, and grows each year while our community remains static.
As some of you may know, we seriously considered running last year against commissioner Mullins, but for my own reasons, chose not to file the petition to do so. We share this with you, because we know the figures quite well. Scobbo is a good man, loves this community and will listen to residents suggestions for change. The PWPD is a very privately run district, transparency is very low, and most if not all business and legal matters are not disclosed. Interesting fact that most taxpayers do not know, fines collected by tickets issued by this district do not come to our district, but rather go to the county or town. The governance of the three police commissioners that run this department is extremely limited, there is relatively no oversight for change other than electing new individuals. The only mechanism to alter this group thinking towards what’s best for our community is this, Crowd Sourcing. Please vote this year.
—Fred Nicholson