
Local Synagogues Join Chanukah Fun

Chanukah at MiYad_c
Chanukah at MiYad B
(Photos courtesy of Aliza Krivisky)

MiYaD Chabad in Jericho and The Home Depot partnered for the sixth year in a row to create a one-of-a-kind Chanukah experience.

Getting kids excited about Chanukah and knowing the importance of increasing in light, Rabbi Chanan Krivisky and his wife Aliza made sure there were plenty of yummy treats available. There were Chanukah-themed donuts, cChanukah at MiYad Hhocolate gelt, dreidels and free Chanukah menorah kits.

In all, more than 200 kids showed up to The Home Depot in late December for this fun event.

On the first night of the holiday, several hundred people joined the Chabad at the famed Milleridge Inn in Jericho. There was a moving candle-lighting ceremony, led by Krivisky, as well as plenty of games, snacks, jelly donuts and, of course, latkes.

In addition to MiYaD’s ceremony, North Shore Synagogue also held a beautiful Chanukah festival. The synagogue held its annual Chanukah Happening Pancake and Latke Breakfast a week before the Festival of Lights began. A signature event that is always on the busy calendar, the breakfast drew a ballroom full of parents and children from nursery school and religious school to a morning filled with good food, great raffle prizes and good conversations.