Heroes work here. Signage attesting to that fact adorns the grounds around the Farmingdale School Districts’ six school buildings as it marked the one-year anniversary of the schools shutting their doors to in-person instruction due to the coronavirus pandemic. With Spring, though, comes the promise of better times ahead. Signs of this are evident throughout the district. Students are back in school, sports are up and running, and a long-awaited vaccine is finally here.
“I am so thankful for the volunteer effort of our administrators, nurses, Walgreens, village, and South Farmingdale EMS, The Marketplace at 317,” Superintendent Paul Defendini said. “Dozens of people donated their time and services to support this critical event, and together we vaccinate more than 300 staff members. Farmingdale is an exceptional community, and I am prouder than ever to call myself a Daler.”
The Walgreens Pharmacy staff was recently on-site at Farmingdale High School to distribute the one-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine to interested staff members. More than 300 people signed up. Having teachers and staff vaccinated is essential to the full safe reopening of all school buildings. Navigating through the New York state’s websites to find an available appointment at a local vaccine center has been a struggle for many Long Islanders. The Farmingdale School District is extremely thankful to Walgreens for making their School District a priority and making the vaccination process seamless for the community.
The long hours distributing these vaccines was also made easier by a generous donation of catered, grab-and-go food provided by local merchant, the Marketplace at 317. Joe Fortuna, named the Farmingdale Outstanding Businessperson of the Year by the village’s chamber of commerce, graciously offered the Walgreens staff and volunteers food to help get them through the long hours. Fortuna owns The Nutty Irishman and 317 Main Street, a duo of eateries in Farmingdale Village. The Marketplace at 317 opened earlier this year and is located behind 317 Main Street.
“The Farmingdale community has been so supportive of the restaurants throughout these challenging times,” Fortuna said. “When Paul Defendini reached out about having food catered, I was eager to pay it forward and show my appreciation.”
For more information about the Farmingdale Union Free School District and a complete list of the LAC’s Legislative Proposals and members, visit www.farmingdaleschools.org and like the Facebook page @FarmingdaleSchoolDistrict.
-Submitted by the Farmingdale School District