To the editor:
I am writing this letter in support of Brian Morris in his re-election bid for Manhasset-Lakeville Water Commissioner.
And I have to state at the outset, I seldom if ever write letters in support of candidates, however this is a unique situation. Brian has been working for the Village of Kensington for 8 of the 14 years that I have been the mayor. In that time, I have found him to be the most hard working, honest and all-around exemplary human being I have had the pleasure to know. He goes above and beyond in getting the work done in all situations and in particular during public emergencies.
As an example, he’s the guy in the reflective vest who helps to direct traffic and puts cones up in the middle of a tropical storm to secure passage of pedestrians. He’s the guy in the middle of East Shore Road helping motorists when a storm drain pops open causing a serious hazard. And he’s the guy who figured out how the village could save money by rigging up a portable watering apparatus to help maintain our newly planted shrubs. In short, he’s the guy that we all rely on when we need something done, whether it be overseeing tree trimming or securing the village hall from a flood. He is second to none, and irreplaceable. Above all he is a man of the highest integrity.
His value to our village and to the community as a whole is unquestionable. I don’t know the other candidates, but I sure know Brian Morris, and I support him unequivocally in his re-election bid.
—Susan Lopatkin, mayor, Village of Kensington