
Councilmember Dalimonte Hosts Community Office Hours

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Mariann Dalimonte (Photo by Elizabeth Johnson)

North Hempstead Councilmember Mariann Dalimonte is reminding the community of her mobile office hours for the residents of District 6. This initiative first began in 2021 to allow residents to connect directly with her on issues that matter to them. The initiative continued in 2022 with two dates during the summer, and will continue into the fall of 2022.
“When I was first elected and took office in 2020, one of my top priorities as the councilmember for District 6 was to communicate effectively with people in my community,” said Councilmember Dalimonte. “It is essential to provide easy access to information and a direct connection to Town Hall. I hope residents will make an appointment, and I look forward to meeting with everyone.”
Upcoming mobile office hours include:
• Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2022 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Port Washington Public Library at 1 Library Dr., Port Washington
• Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2022 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Port Washington Public Library at 1 Library Dr., Port Washington
To schedule your appointment with Councilmember Dalimonte, please call 516-869-7711.
Councilmember Dalimonte also has an electronic newsletter which serves as an essential resource for the residents of District 6. The electronic newsletter also serves as an important vehicle for informing residents about significant issues coming before the town board. Councilmember Dalimonte updates her residents following each town board meeting to ensure that her constituents are aware of the legislation discussed at each meeting. Residents can sign up for the newsletter by visiting www.northhempsteadny.gov/district6
—Submitted by the
Town of North Hempstead