
Dean Yoder Earns Perennial Bloom Award

Sallie McNeill Rynd with Dean Yoder, his Perennial Bloom Award certificate; Jonathan Grimm, presenter; and Kassie Roth, holding the award stick pin (Photos from Dagmar Fors Karpi)

By Dagmar Fors Karpi

Locust Valley Garden Club President Dean Yoder was presented with this year’s Perennial Bloom Award at their June Installation luncheon. It was fitting that the event took place at the Kippen Hill Estate that Dean and husband Jonathan Grimm created over the past 18 years. They have been generous in offering their garden and home for club activities.

The award is presented to recognize longtime members who have supported the club’s goals and objectives. He recently involved members in the creation of a 18th and 19th-century garden, at Raynham Hall Museum in Oyster Bay. It demonstrates the plants used in both the Colonial and Victorian eras when the Townsend family was in residence.

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Locust Valley Garden Club committee chairs with Dean Yoder.

Dean’s positive attitudes make him the perfect president for the club. While members might worry about an event, he is always the steady guiding hand assuring members that all will work out perfectly. That is aided by the knowledge that the club’s 15 committee chairs work together to ensure a success.

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Anne Gronan, FGCNY Nassau North district chair, with Dagmar
Karppi and Allyn Adams, recording secretary.

The afternoon’s agenda included presenting certificates of appreciation to Honorary Members Dorothy Titus and Susan Caravello. Dot’s daughter Barbara Howes, was there to accept her mother’s award. Anne Gronan, FGCNY Nassau North on Nadistrict chair, made a presentation on the benefits of belonging to the larger organization.

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President Dean Yoder and Jonathan Grimm, VP, in front of a sea
of hats.

While members enjoyed the BBQ luncheon, Donald Rynd, husband of member Sallie McNeill Rynd sang and entertained us with a guitar and banjo performance. A lawyer, he was introduced to the banjo while in high school. Sallie, horticultural chair spoke about the striking bouquet of flowers she picked in her garden that morning.

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Four Perennial Bloom awardees: Sallie McNeill Rynd, Dagmar Fors Karppi, Dean Yoder with his delphinium plant and award pin; and Kassie Roth.

New members are welcome to join the club, where we explore the wide world of horticulture. Meets occur on the third Wednesday of the month at the Locust Valley Library at 10.a.m. New members are welcome to join with a donation of $15. For information contact President Yoder at DYInteriors@yahoo.com.

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From the left: Jonathan Grimm, Kassie Roth, Irene Duque, Lucy DeVito and Eileen Keating.

Dagmar Fors Karpi is a member of the Locust Valley Garden Club