
Editorial: Around the Town

The Town of Hempstead is pleased to announce its 12th Annual Calendar Photograph Contest. Each year the town produces a calendar, which is delivered to every resident.

What makes our calendar unique is that it includes photographs that are all taken by town residents. Friends and neighbors are asked to submit their own original photographs that depict a seasonal Town of Hempstead event, park, neighborhood or other inspiring subject matter. The pictures must be taken within our township.

Judges will choose at least 12 winners (one photograph for each month of the year) and others for the front and back covers as well as other portions of the calendar.

The following criteria will apply to contestants’ submissions:

1. The contest is open to all Town of Hempstead residents, including town employees, and all photographs must be taken in the Town of Hempstead.

2. The deadline for submitting up to five photographs (any size up to 8” by 10”) is September 15, 2009. Entries can be mailed, e-mailed or hand delivered. No exceptions, the deadline will be strictly enforced.

3. Slides, transparencies, copies or ink jet printouts of photographs may not be submitted. Only photographically developed photographs in black and white or color will be accepted. Digital photographs (saved as approximately 8”x10”, 300 dpi jpg images) e-mailed to jblenn@tohmail.org may be submitted. All photographically printed photographs submitted will be returned upon completion of the printing of the calendar. If you have any questions regarding the formatting of e-mailed photos, please call Joni Blenn at 812-3300.

4. All photographs must be accompanied by a descriptive sentence indicating the name of the photographer, his or her address and phone number, the approximate month/season in which the photo was taken, the location and/or event and the names of any individuals in the photograph. The photographer is responsible for the correct spelling of the names of the subjects in the photos as well as notifying subjects that their picture may appear in the Town of Hempstead 2010 calendar. We will not print the names of those in the photograph, but we do need them.

5. Please send photographs to: Town of Hempstead Photo Contest, Office of Communications & Public Affairs, Hempstead Town Hall, 1 Washington Street, Hempstead, NY 11550.

Remember, the deadline for submitting your photographs is Monday, Sept. 15.

The spring and summer months are good times to take pictures. There are many picturesque settings in Hempstead Town to photograph. I encourage all residents to submit their photos of our beautiful township. I look forward to greeting all the winners here at Town Hall shortly after the New Year. Good luck!