
Mayor’s Report: June 5, 2009

Public Scoping Meeting June 4 – St. Paul’s Historic Main Building and Ellis Hall

The Incorporated Village of Garden City, as lead agency, has previously determined that the St. Paul’s demolition for additional open space proposal may have a significant adverse impact on the environment and that a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) must be prepared. A public meeting will be held Thursday, June 4, at 8 p.m. at 351 Stewart Avenue, Garden City to accept public comments on the contents of the Draft Scope for the preparation of the DEIS.

Written comments will be accepted by the lead agency through Friday, June 16, and should be addressed to Village Administrator Robert L. Schoelle, Jr., 351 Stewart Avenue, Garden City, New York 11530.

Copies of the Draft Scope, Positive Declaration, Environmental Assessment Form (EAF) and the protocol to be implemented at the public meeting may be obtained from Garden City Village Hall and/or the Garden City Library, 60 Seventh Street and are also available for download at www.gardencityny.net under “Administration” – “Current Issues.”

Memorial Day Observance

On Memorial Day, I had the honor of attending the parade and Memorial Day was held in front of the Garden City Middle School. Joining me in offering words of thanks to all of our veterans were Senator Kemp Hannon and Adelphi University President Dr. Robert Scott. I would like to commend the efforts of William Bradford Turner Post No. 265 and the American Legion Auxiliary under the leadership of Commander John Donovan and Women’s Auxiliary President Joan Nedelka.

The honoree of this year’s ceremony was village resident and parade grand marshal Captain Tom Ryder, United States Army. Please keep all service personnel that serve our country proudly, and their families, in your thoughts and prayers.

Belmont Festival at Garden City Friday, June 5

The Belmont Festival Committee has advised my office that plans have been finalized for the 12th Annual Belmont Festival at Garden City – A Salute to America. This year’s festival will have a red, white and blue theme, and will be held Friday evening, June 5, from 6 to 10 p.m. on Seventh Street. The United States Air Force Band, the Afterburners, will be featured along with several other bands. There will be some new special events along with activities for the children including face painters and clowns.

Please mark your calendar and make it a point to attend this annual family event.

Countdown to Opening of Garden City Pool’s 53rd Season Has Begun

This past week the village mailed copies of the 2009 Splash, the Garden City Pool newsletter containing pool membership applications to each residence in Garden City. This marks the annual countdown to the opening of the pool on June 13. Please read the edition of Splash and familiarize yourself with all of the special events that are planned for the pool as well as all the membership categories.

Special Thanks to School Crossing Guards

Regardless of the weather conditions during each school day for the past nine months, our school crossing guards have been at their designated posts to watch over our children. Please take a minute during the next few weeks to thank them for doing such a fine job to protect our young people.

Board of Trustees Meetings

The next board of trustees meetings will be held Thursday, June 4, (this meeting will include the public scoping meeting for the demolition of St. Paul’s as noted above) and Thursday, June 18. The meetings will be held in the boardroom at Village Hall and will begin at 8 p.m.

Village’s Website

I encourage residents to periodically utilize the village’s website for information regarding the village’s operations, as well as items of seasonal and special interest. The address is www.gardencityny.net. One item that is listed on the village’s website is information regarding the library that includes a direct link to the Garden City Library.