Bob Reilly, of Oyster Bay, has spent his life in the world of sports, sports television and television, and now looks forward to bringing new life to an expanded AAU Baseball program in the New York Metropolitan area.
Mr. Reilly said, “The AAU baseball Metropolitan program is growing rapidly, and will see a 400 percent gain in new clubs and teams by the end of the year.
This will culminate with National Championships in Florida at Disneyworld and the ESPN Fields of Dreams in all age groups from under 8 years old to under 18.”
Bob spent his college years as a Health and Physical Education Major at Wagner College and at Long Island University, playing college baseball and football. His love of baseball was born out of his years in Little League, Babe Ruth, Connie Mack, and then high school ball. Bob’s two years as a pitcher at Wagner led to a year in the Cape Cod League and two years of minor league baseball in Florida (Rookie Ball and Single-A Baseball.) Bob’s pro pitching career ended when he realized that the 88 mph baseballs he was throwing were coming at him “MUCH” faster!
Bob taught Health and Physical Education for several years while coaching high school football until he began a career in broadcast and cable television operations. During his years at NBC, CBS, and later at ABC Television Networks Bob won 11 Emmys, and 2 Peabodys and a Columbia University DuPont Award. Most recently he was the Director of Studio and Technical Operations for Good Morning America. Bob also led teams at several television start-up operations including Fox NewsChannel, CNNfn and MSNBC.
Bob’s years in television also gave him a fresh look at sports and sports management while he worked with the Olympic Games, the Super Bowl and All Star Basketball and Baseball games. During his time at NBC Sports he also covered Major League Baseball, NBA basketball and NCAA Division 1 Basketball events.
During those almost 30 years, Bob has always had a hand in coaching baseball, basketball, soccer and lacrosse in New York high schools and youth leagues including PAL Baseball, Little League, Babe Ruth and CYO. His AAU Under-16 Baseball team plays in local tournaments. For years, Bob also focused on coaching minority children in the community. Based on his sports credentials, in 2007 Bob was appointed to serve on the Oyster Bay Township Sports Commission by Town Supervisor John Venditto.
Bob’s Territory includes Nassau and Suffolk counties, Ulster, Duchess, Westchester, Orange counties, NYC, and the Canal Zone in Panama.
Bob is anxious to use his love of baseball, sports and coaching, with his management skills to build AAU Baseball into a powerful organization dedicated to building better lives for young athletes throughout the New York Metropolitan area.