
Rotary Induction for 2009-2010 Slate of Officers and Directors

The Rotary Club of Oyster Bay, chartered in 1942, held its 67th Installation Night at the Swan Club on June 17. Rotary’s organizational plan prepares for a constant turn over of the presidency with the next generation always getting ready in the wings. This June, the outgoing president Larry Nathan passed on the gavel to James Werner with Jim Fuccio as the new president-elect.

The other officers include: Thomas Tetro, vice president; Don Lyons, treasurer; Chris Gallagher, secretary. The board of directors are: Judy Wasilchuk, club; Isaac Kremer, community; Peter Casparian, international; Larry Nathan, vocational; Paul Rosen and Kristin Reardon, Oyster Festival; Tom Reardon, foundation and Tom Reardon membership.

Outgoing president Larry Nathan said, “It’s been a great year. Our teamwork is fantastic.” He said, “The Oyster Festival is two days of pain and work, but it supports our local charities. So we ask the community to please continue to put up with that. Everything goes back to the community. This year, Rotary funneled about $60,000 to organizations such as Youth and Family Counseling of Oyster Bay and East Norwich; the Doubleday Babcock Senior Center; the Oyster Bay Chamber of Commerce holiday celebration – it all goes out. People knock on our door every day and all requests are considered. We are there to help. These are selfless people doing very wonderful local things. Mr. Nathan said it was an honor to be president of the club. He read a letter from Doubleday Babcock Senior Center thanking them for their $5,000 donation.

Installing the new board was Sammy Hsaio, Rotary District 7250 Governor for 2007-2008. He is the former owner of the Dunkin’ Donuts in Pine Hollow. Several years ago when the Rotary members were doing a service project for the community, cleaning up Route 106, Mr. Hsaio came out and offered them coffee. It became clear to them that he was a perfect Rotary candidate. He said that night, that the next day he was leaving to attend a Rotary Conference being held in Bermingham, England.

Mr. Hsaio inducted James Werner who thanked everyone for honoring him with the office of president. He said in 2006, he and his wife Chris were married. His job was in Huntington and hers in Manhasset so they decided to settle half-way between the two, and told their South Shore family they were moving to Oyster Bay. Everyone had heard of Oyster Bay but no one really knew it well, he joked. They moved to Norwich Gates apartments, and recently purchased a home in East Norwich.

He spoke of all the great things Rotary does and how much he is looking forward to the year of service.

Mr. Werner added thanks to all the committee chairs who do such a great job including the 15 people who meet once a month to work on the Oyster Festival, including Paul Rosen and Kristin Reardon.

President Jim Werner’s family and his wife’s family came to celebrate his new Rotary office. They told great stories about their close and strong family.