
The Mayor’s Corner: September 4, 2009

Labor Day Weekend Marks the Close Of the Pool

Labor Day weekend is here. I hope all of our residents enjoyed their summer vacations and hopefully a few visits to the pool. Thank you to our wonderful pool staff for another great season. The pool remains open until Monday, Sept. 7 at 5 p.m.

The Village Hall is closed on Labor Day, Sept. 7. There will be no garbage collection on Sept. 7 and no heavy trash, but recycling and newspaper collection will remain the same. Other changes can be found on our village website or in your copy of the Village Green.

Good luck to all the students returning to or starting school. Remember that most local schools start classes this week. Watch for children crossing and Do Not Pass school buses. Be considerate when parking near schools and do not block driveways of residents.

Block parties: Please be mindful of your neighbors on surrounding blocks when parking and cleaning up after the 11 p.m. ending time. The street must be opened to traffic after 11 p.m. and all music must stop by 11 p.m. also.

I would also remind residents to be cautious driving in and out of the pool gates on Broad Street. Numerous walkers and bike riders use these gates. Slowing down is safe for everyone!

The Neighborhood Watch program continues. We invite all residents to join us at our next Neighborhood Watch meeting on Sept. 22 at 7 p.m. in village hall. We will be meeting our new “POP” cop and would like to spread the word to our neighbors about our programs. School and Scout groups are also welcome to attend. We have decals for all residents and are in need of more volunteers. Please join us on Sept. 22.

The Auxiliary Police of Williston Park are also always looking for volunteers to join them. Call 746-0720 for more information.

Congratulations to Maureen and Bill Casey on the birth of their third grandchild, Kayleigh Elizabeth, born to Matt and Katie Casey on Aug. 26.

Congrats also to Maureen and Frank Kalenka on their 50th anniversary. The Village website is: www.villageofwillistonpark.org.

See you around Town!