
Letter: Supports for Hynes, Other Democratic Candidates

I am writing to you to know that I am in full support of Mr. Matt Hynes as candidate for the Town of Hempstead Sixth Council District. Even though I have voted for the incumbent Republican candidates in the past, I can no longer give them my support.

I find it appalling and disgraceful on how the Town of Hempstead Board has conducted themselves during the process of the Lighthouse Development project. They are also wasting taxpayer’s money and are not environmental sound when mailing out numerous informational pieces that can be done electronically or through newspapers. Mr. Hynes also wants to add more S.T.O.P. program days which currently are not enough. In addition, I am supporting Kristen McElroy in her bid for Town of Hempstead supervisor, and other Democratic Party candidates in this upcoming election. Now is a time for a change. The Republican Party has had their own agenda instead of the people’s wishes for too long.

Brian Restivo