
Mystery Picture: November 13, 2009

Billy Minicozzi Knows Oyster Bay

Mike Weipert of Oyster Bay recognized the Oct. 23 mystery picture as being taken at the car show on Tuesday nights.

Marshall Barth of Syosset identified the Oct. 29 mystery picture as, “The west side of Beekman beach; opposite the large dock that is in front of the Oyster Bay Sailing School.”

Billy Minicozzi put the Nov. 5, mystery picture in the general location in which it was taken: near Route 106 in East Norwich.

There could be a more specific location given, but in the larger context of the Oyster Bay-Cold Spring Harbor Watershed area – it’s not bad. FYI: it is the small spur, east of Route 106 leading to Gabrielle Drive.

On a sports note, Billy mentioned that the Giants lost their fourth game and that last week, the Yankees won their 26th World Series.